What is Fraud?

Any activity performed by organization or individuals which is against the rule and law which create negative impact on any community, business or personal life. Jobs World always stand with people those are looking for justice and for this purpose we design this platform where you can submit the details of fraud businesses and fraud personals.

We count every illegal activity which is against the rules and law (international laws). For this purpose you support will help us to clearly mention the people and businesses those are fraud and ever they play with you or with anyone you knows them.

Fraud Clients

Organizations and individuals those are looking for resources or make sales online or in any other capacity. During the delivery of services or provision of the products they make any illegal activity mean to say they didn’t deliver the product or not complete the task or once task is completed they just leave without any reason are the fraud clients. There are number of fraud clients and for this purpose we develop this portal and our official lawyers will help you by putting the petition against such frauds across the world. Must share the details with us, once you found all the details our lawyers will put the petition against such frauds without any charges and we will follow up for this case from Jobs World platform.

Fraud Client But Not Verified

It is also possible that someone mention the personal or organization for their personal purpose or to gain the publicity. So, we decided that fraud organization or individuals will not be verified fraud client till we didn’t reached to them and not receive the details as the organization or individual found as fraud till that their status will remains fraud client but not verified.

Verified Fraud Client

Clients those are verified on our portal are verified by the Jobs World team as well the details are provided by the personal and client not response on our email or query. Once client verified fraud declare on Jobs World portal it means you don’t work with such client in future and must search out the clients or verify the client details before work with such people or organizations.

Why Report Fraud Clients?

Fraud, Fake or cheat clients not only fraud with you they also make such frauds with other peoples. And once we do not submit their record to anyone these people always play with other peoples and they start such activities in future because of your no action. So it is our social and core responsibility to submit the details of such fraud clients to Jobs World so that people find them and know about their activities.

How Jobs world team change status of fraud client?

Once anyone claim the organization or individuals as a fraud client by default they published as fraud but not verified clients. If the fraud client reached us till their status is not verified fraud. They can claim to remove this status from our website for this purpose you need to submit all the details on support@jobiworld.com once our professionals thoroughly check it we will update the record within 28 working days. If anyone found as fraud we will verify as he/she is verified fraud, so that other people keep safe from such fraud organizations and individuals.

How to remove your name from fraud client list?

Jobs world professionals understand that most of time people submit the wrong details for this purpose you can use the removal options and you can submit the details on support@jobiworld.com once Jobs world team analyze it by checking all the provided information. If your information are right and you are not fraud we will change your status from fraud list to new list where we mentioned that the client was marked as fraud but now his/her status is not fraud.

How to remove your name from verified fraud client list?

Once your status is declared as verified fraud client and our professional submit the petition in court there is no option to remove this status from the list till court make any decision. If your status is verified fraud but the Jobs World lawyers not report it in any court till that time you can remove your status by providing the details to Jobs World team and once we review and analyze we will remove this status and will put you to the new list where it will clearly mention that you were found as Fraud but now your status is change.

Fraud Reporter

All the information of the fraud reporter will remain secret and Jobs World will not publish these details at any stage. But we will use these information to reach you, whenever the fraud client reached us to change/update their status from the list or to remove them from the list.

Privacy Notice

Jobs world team understand the privacy of each fraud client details provider and we keep hide your personal information and we will not public your personal information at any stage till you are agree to make them publish in future on any active case. But we can call you in court to provide the details against the each fraud client organization or fraud client individuals.

No one is allow to take any action against Jobs World team – as all the provided details are not the Jobs world teams details people across the world put the information or share their review about other organizations and individual clients so no one can take any legal action against jobs world.

Legal Actions

This portal is purely based on the organizations and individuals input – Jobs world team not mark anyone as a fraud or verified fraud till we receive the details against the fraud organization or fraud individuals. For this purpose Jobs World already have strong lawyers forum and we will take actions against each provided record so before submission of any query in this list must take care of following things.

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